Saturday, August 5, 2017


Welcome everyone to my journal.  This is a place where I will discuss all things fitness/health related as it pertains to my goals for better health and hopefully weight loss. I have tried using Facebook to share my experiences and while it works to gain motivation.  I have started and stopped for so many times. I am sick of starting over. So I have decided to log my journey here.  All journeys have a beginning.  My beginning was back in high school.  My weight had ballooned causing me to go from a size 10 to a size 20 within the course of four years. Like most teenagers I didn't take things too seriously back then.  I had stayed a size 20 for several years.  When I started working at 24 Hour Fitness, I begun to have a growing interest. I started to work out only casually, just for the enjoyment.  However, I didn't really change my eating habits much, so after I had lost 30 pounds my weight just stagnated.  I worked out, ate a balanced diet and just couldn't get my weight to move any further.  My weight has gone up and down the last couple years. 

Having said all this, I have started and stopped so many times.  So I have come to the conclusion, while I can eat all the right things, and work out to my heart's content. Motivation is the key.  One day I will be full of motivation and the next it is gone.  The fact is the moment when motivation enters is a great feeling full of great endorphins that make you feel like you can do anything.  The next day, feels like any other day and nothing special because those feel good hormones are gone. In general people need a new day or a new week, a new month or a new year in order to make a change. The fact is the notion of needing a "new" moment is utter and complete bull.  The thing I have learned through all this is if you want to make a change bad enough you will make it happen by the choices you make.  I admit, I make mistakes and I have successes. The important thing to do is for me to keep trying.  The important thing is to never give up on your dreams.  I must keep trying if I want to ever reach my goals. My incentive is to look awesome in my wedding dress. I have to have the hope that I will reach my goals someday.

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